Wallet - Sending Coins

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Revision as of 22:36, 9 August 2021 by Jono (talk | contribs)
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Once you have set up your account, you can send coins to any wallet you have the address for.

  1. Go to the address book page in the explorer. Or, from the top menu, click on Accounts and then click on Address book.

    Address book button in the explorer navigation menu.
  2. Click on the Add contact button.

    Add contact button in explorer address book.
  3. The add an address window will open

    1. Input the address for the wallet you want to send coins to.

      Make sure the address is correct. Coins sent to the wrong address may be unrecoverable.
    2. Give a name to the contact. This can be changed later.

    3. Click the Save button to save the contact.

    Add an address to the address book window.
  4. The wallet will now appear in your contacts. Click on the send button next to the contact to begin sending them coins.

    Send button in address book.

    You can also get to this screen by clicking on Accounts in the top menu and then click Transfer.

    Transfer button on menu.