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Instructions to use your own custom endpoint via SSH tunnel

1. Set up xxnetwork chain service

Use your existing xx network node or gateway computer, or set up a stand-alone node.

2. Stop the xxnetwork-chain service

3. Modify the chain service file

NOTE: It is only necessary to make changes to one of the computers running the xx network software.

In order to connect to your local instance using https://wallet.xx.network/[1], edit the xxnetwork-chain.service file and insert the following argument into the ExecStart line: --rpc-cors 'https://wallet.xx.network,http://localhost:63007'

On a Validator node, generally the cMix node computer, the line should look something like this:

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "/opt/xxnetwork/bin/xxnetwork-chain --validator --name YOURNAME --telemetry-url 'wss://telemetry.polkadot.io/submit/ 0' --base-path /opt/xxnetwork/db --port 15974 --ws-port 63007 --rpc-cors 'https://wallet.xx.network,http://localhost:63007' >> /opt/xxnetwork/log/chain.log 2>&1"

On the computer running the cMix gateway server or a stand-alone node, the line should look something like this:

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "/opt/xxnetwork/bin/xxnetwork-chain --name YOURNAME --telemetry-url 'wss://telemetry.polkadot.io/submit/ 0' --base-path /opt/xxnetwork/db --port 15974 --ws-port 63007 --rpc-cors 'https://wallet.xx.network,http://localhost:63007' >> /opt/xxnetwork/log/chain.log 2>&1"

4. Update systemd to digest the modified configuration

5. Start the xxnetwork-chain service

6. Set up your SSH tunnel

The command to establish a tunnel to your node through ssh is the same on Windows and Linux:

You will be prompted for a password (or, if you use a certificate, supply it with the -i flag, e.g. -i C:\Users\sshkey\privatekey.ppk) and the terminal will remain in use until the ssh tunnel is killed.

You may test the SSH tunnel by now browsing to, where you should be greeted with a stark page with the message WebSocket Protocol Error: Unable to parse WebSocket key. This is fine.

7. Enable the custom endpoint in xx wallet

Browse to http://wallet.xx.network. If you use the default port of 63007, place your mouse over the 'Local Node' button on the left side and click the the circle in the that pops up. After a few moments you will see the xx wallet running as normal. You can click on 'Network > Explorer > Node info' to see your connected peers and other details.

If you use a different port, you can add a custom endpoint by placing your mouse over 'Add Custom Endpoint' and filling in your details, e.g. wss://