Get SSH Connection Info

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When connecting to a properly configured SSH server on your Node or Gateway machine, you will need three pieces of information:

  1. The machine's IP address
  2. The username of the user on the machine
  3. A key pair set up between the machine and your computer

These instructions assume that you have set up SSH on your Node or Gateway machine per the Setting Up SSH instructions and that you have physical access to the remote machine.

  1. First, get the address for the remote machine. If you are on the same local network as the machine, this will be the local IP address. If you are on a different network, this will be the public IP address.

    1. Local: Get the local IP address of the remote machine by running the following command.

      If the remote machine has multiple network interfaces or an IPv6 address, then they will also appear in this list. Ensure that only the correct internal IPv4 address is used.
    2. Public: Get the public IP address of the remote machine by running the following command. is a third-party service. You can use any valid IP lookup service. Refer to the list of IP lookup services used in the xx messenger software.
  2. Next, you will need the username for the remote machine. If you do not remember your username, then use whoami.

  3. Open the terminal on your personal computer.

  4. Using SSH, you will connect to the remote machine.

    Run this command on your computer.